{BABY SHOWER} Cirque Du Bebe

To say I love this baby shower is an understatement because even though I've seen hundreds of showers this one simply makes me giddy. Photographed by the always marvelous Kristen Weaver this bebe shower is so spectacular I am considering joining the circus just to be surrounded by all of this Cirque Du Bebe loveliness. So, step right up and enjoy every devine detail for little Paine Liam & his Mom.

Guess the mom's belly width (everyone cut a piece of yarn, closest one wins)
Food tasting game
Pass the pacifier (2 teams in a single file line that pass the pacifies by straws in their mouths, first to the end wins, if the pacifier is dropped the team must start at the beginning)
Family trivia: Guess the members of TV families (Brady Bunch, Growing Pains, etc.)
Safety pins in a bucket of rice (this was played in teams as a relay)
Guess the number of baby bottle candy in the vase.

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  1. So, what games are going on there? I'd love a description of what you did.

  2. Hi Wendy,
    Here are the games ::
    Guess the mom's belly width (everyone cut a piece of yarn, closest one wins)
    Food tasting game
    Pass the pacifier (2 teams in a single file line that pass the pacifies by straws in their mouths, first to the end wins, if the pacifier is dropped the team must start at the beginning)
    Family trivia: Guess the members of TV families (Brady Bunch, Growing Pains, etc.)
    Safety pins in a bucket of rice (this was played in teams as a relay)
    Guess the number of baby bottle candy in the vase.

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