Nicole, We wish you the best as you welcome your little boy into the world :: xoxo
What is the inspiration behind bluum?Bluum was designed to help moms narrow down and make decisions on what to buy for herself and her family. With the endless amount of product choices out there, even the most savvy mama can have trouble choosing the "right" products. Bluum allows moms to try and sample the best there is and then choose what works best for their own family.
How would you describe a bluum mom?
A bluum mom is a resourceful woman who only wants the best for herself and her children. Bluum helps her to find products that she will love and become tried and true favorites in her home.
There are a lot of baby & mommy products out there, how do you choose what products are featured?
Ann (our other resident bluum mom) and I spend a lot of time combing through products that we ourselves have tried or would love to try. This is especially true with the baby products. We only choose products we have tested ourselves or feel confident would be beneficial to our own children as well as yours.
You're expecting your first baby next month, What is the best & worst part about being pregnant?
I have actually loved being pregnant! Experiencing my little boy grow inside of me, and knowing my body is nourishing him and keeping him safe, has been one of the most magical and surreal experiences. Luckily I also have a great support system - especially my fiancee (I think at one point he must have thought I would turn into a coolatta with the amount of Dunkin' Donuts runs I had him go on). The most uncomfortable parts have definitely been the insane waves of feeling like no amount of sleep was ever enough (hello first & third trimester) and the endless trips to the bathroom!
Has working at bluum helped get ready for baby?
Absolutely! I have been so lucky to be surrounded by all of the best brands and products out their for babies. It has helped me immensely in feeling confident in the product choices I am, and will be, making for my son.
You recently had your baby shower....what was it like? What was your favorite part?
My baby shower was truly a dream come true. I couldn't have asked for a better day! My fiancee and I both had our friends and family in attendance and together we all partied the afternoon (and some the night!) away. The best part was feeling the intense love all of my favorite people in the world already have for my son. He is one very lucky boy!
Heello mate nice post